Chemical and Biological Systems Simulation Laboratory


Low-Dimensional Nano-Architectures for Light Emission and Light-to-Electricity Conversion

Project period: 2022-2025

Funding: NCN Opus 20, UMO-2020/39/I/ST4/01446

PI: dr hab. Silvio Osella

The overarching goal of LOW-LIGHT is to rationally design stable and highly efficient hybrid nanomaterials for optoelectronic applications, which include light harvesting/conversion and light emission, to be implemented in proof-of-concept devices. The rational hybridization of all carbon-based nano-objects (the Nano Building Blocks, NBBs) and their formulation into stable colloidal dispersions ready for thin films processing are essential activities that constitute the core of LOW-LIGHT ambitious objectives. Key to this development is the control of the interactions and self-assembly properties of the NBBs at the nanoscale, in order to optimize the structure-property-function relationships in the integrated nano-systems, with the aim of mimicking the perfection of natural structures for light conversion. The nano-hybrids approach proposed by LOW-LIGHT thus represent a merging point between the highly efficient commercial solutions mostly based on inorganics and the chameleonic purely organic electronics.

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